The Three Gorges Project Corp said that the unit – No 26 – completed its trial operations yesterday having started the tests on 5 July.
Harbin Electrical Machinery Co supplied the generator unit, which is equipped with a new air-cooling system, noted the Corporation. The unit is the first of domestic manufacture to go online at the dam, it was added.
Installation and commissioning work started mid-May, and the system was filled for de-bugging work starting 9 June. The first unit to go into operation on the Three Gorges project was on 10 July 2003.
Having brought the 14 units on the left bank online, the Corporation is now focused on commissioning the 12 Francis units of the right bank of the dam, eight of which are being supplied by Harbin and China Dongfang Electrical machinery Co – four by each company. The companies were both active as subcontractors for the generators on the left bank units.
August issue – IWP&DC
For information on some of the problems experienced with the guide vanes on the left bank turbines, see the article in the August issue of International Water Power & Dam Construction