The parameters were approved during a coordination meeting with the leaders of the Indian company KSK Energy Ventures Limited, held at the headquarters of Institute Hydroproject. Safety aspects of the project were also discussed.

During the meeting it was decided that the installed capacity of the project would be 1800MW, down from the previously mooted 2000MW capacity. This decision was made following extensive financial analysis carried out by Institute Hydroproject.

The layout of the project was also approved. It will feature shaft spillways which are designed to turn on automatically during extreme floods, even if there is loss of power at the site. These spillways were first used at the Tehri hydroproject in India. The hydraulic model studies of the spillway operation modes will be carried out at RusHydro scientific-design complex facility.

The specialists from Institute Hydroproject also presented the results of hydrodynamic research of the dam. The purpose of the research was to ensure the safety of the people living near the dam toe in the Daporijo settlement.

The plans for the hydroelectric project are scheduled to be completed in February 2012, and then they will be submitted to the Indian Government. Construction is expected to being in January 2013.

The Upper Subansiri Project will comprise a 237M high RCC concrete gravity dam; a powerhouse at the toe of the dam housing six 300MW units; two shaft spillways with the funnel crest overflow of total discharge capacity 3600m3/sec; bank spillway chutes with discharge capacity of about 7000m3/sec with the flow jet to the river channel.


The Daporijo settlement, near the dam toe