The Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project – also known as the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative, or JEDI – will help dredge about 67.5km of 11 key channel sections and 65ha of four retention basins, to help restore their operating capacities. About 42km of embankments will also be repaired. All these activities will take place in the priority sections of Jakarta’s flood management system.

“Studies show that the most beneficial step for flood mitigation in Jakarta is to rehabilitate the city’s flood management system back to its original design capacity. In addition to dredging, flood mitigation would also benefit from routine operation and maintenance,” explains Fook Chuan Eng, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist at the World Bank’s Office in Jakarta.

About 3.4Mm3 of sediment are expected to be dredged out of the waterways and basins. All sections of project sites will be tested prior to dredging.

“This project marks the World Bank’s first engagement with the Jakarta provincial government in helping solve the capital city’s complex flood and urban development issues” says Stefan Koeberle, World Bank Country Director for Indonesia. “The project’s physical scope is relatively modest but does help address some of the more technical challenges in mitigating floods in Jakarta. For example, this project introduces a new funding arrangement which allows the Indonesian government to finance projects led by provincial governments. Strong environmental and social safeguards are also in place. By helping with these technical issues, the World Bank hopes to contribute to a sustainable DKI Jakarta effort to mitigate floods, and alleviate the related economic and human toll.”

The Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project will be financed by a loan worth $139.64M. The Indonesian central government and DKI Jakarta provincial government will contribute an additional US$49.71M.

Jakarta suffers from recurrent flooding, with especially devastating flood events in January 1996, February 2002 and February 2007. The 2007 event inundated about 36% of the city, affected more than 2.6 million people and forced 340,000 people to flee their homes. Over 70 people died and outbreaks of disease affected over 200,000 people, with losses estimated at US$900M.